CAPEcast episode 6: Why we need evidence synthesis
We talk to colleagues from the International Public Policy Observatory (IPPO) about the need for, and how they undertake, evidence synthesis for policymakers.
We talk to colleagues from the International Public Policy Observatory (IPPO) about the need for, and how they undertake, evidence synthesis for policymakers.
Paper from Transforming Evidence, CAPE’s evaluation team, reviewing current research policy engagement activities from organisations world-wide.
The Ministry of Justice (MoJ) was the first major UK government department to partner with CAPE. Ben Hepworth reflects on how we’ve been working together to support the MoJ’s evidence needs.
CAPE Policy Fellow Richard Whittle reflects on his work in West Yorkshire about how embedding knowledge brokerage into new regional policy infrastructure can support place-based policy making processes.
A toolkit on how to utilise, synthesise, scrutinise, and engage with evidence and expertise for policy development.
We discuss how policy making works with Jonathan Slater, former Permanent Secretary for the Department for Education.
A deep dive into how the Ministry of Justice engages with academics.
Rob Davies, CAPE Fellows, details how he’s been supporting the creation of Areas of Research Interest in select committees.
We talk to Rob Davies about how he’s been developing Areas of Research Interest to diversify evidence engagement in Parliament.
We talk to colleagues at Waltham Forest about the difference between engaging with local authorities and national government.
CAPE speaks to Peter O’Brien of Yorkshire Universities, to find out more about how universities can help to support evidence use and address regional policy priorities.