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Careers related learning in primary schools

To tackle career limiting decisions and stereotyping amongst children and young people, CAPE Collaboration Fund awardee Carol Davenport worked with the North East Local Enterprise Partnership. Together they developed a policy briefing aiming to influence education policy to support young people to make appropriately informed career choices.

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Fancy a game of cards? Using policy cards to translate research into impact

Have you ever thought that playing cards could help your policy engagement? Academics from one of our CAPE projects have been working on just that, developing a set of policy engagement cards as part of the “Cardographer project”.

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Improving outcomes for children who have experienced adversity through including their voices in policy engagement

Barry Coughlan, University of Cambridge, explores how working with their policy partner, the National Children’s Bureau, helped ensure that policy and practice messages were informed by those with lived experience when researching outcomes for children who have experienced adversity.

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Toward wellbeing-based government: formalising a ‘Roundtable’ methodology

Case study from CAPE partner Northumbria who worked with Carnegie UK to develop a guide on roundtable approaches to building effective societal wellbeing frameworks.

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Exploring barriers and developing solutions to encourage active travel in Ardwick, Greater Manchester

Sheena Cruickshank details how her team in Manchester worked with local residents to explore barriers to active travel and develop solutions to encourage the take up of active travel, and reflects on what they learnt about co-produced community engagement.

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Applying systems thinking to health care policy

We share four systems thinking tools that academics at CAPE universities have been using in collaboration with health policy officials to support work on NHS waiting time recovery.

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The four day working week: from pilot to decision makers

David Frayne, author of The Refusal of Work, discusses how decision makers from a range of political parties at the Welsh Senedd and Westminster as well as the Trade Union Congress Wales received the results of a pilot study on the four day working week.

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Analysing and reporting on police custody record data to support Ministry of Justice decision-making

Vicky Kemp and her research team at the University of Nottingham reflect on how they used their extensive electronic police custody records dataset in a collaboration with the Ministry of Justice.

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Embedding health in local urban design guides and codes

Caglar Koksal explores how his CAPE project with Manchester City Council (MCC) has informed the development of the emerging policy around Manchester’s own Local Urban Design Guides and Codes.

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Reflection: CAPE Fellowship to Support Digital Skills in Nottingham

CAPE policy fellow Laura Koch highlights how exposure to new settings and perspectives as part of the experience has influenced her own approach to policymaking.

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Space for community voices – how peer research contributed to a deeper understanding of social infrastructure

Owen Garling reflects on the experience of talking about social infrastructure with community groups, how the project effectively engaged the public, and why it’s so important they are included in conversations.

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Using diversity of thought in universities to be a more inclusive leader in policy

CAPE Policy Fellow Roshnee Patel shares how being exposed to diversity of thought during her policy fellowship has influenced her own thinking about policy making.

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