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Enhancing regional policy-research collaboration in London and beyond

Policy Fellow Michelle Reeves explores the pivotal role of collaborative ventures between London’s universities and London government in addressing complex strategic issues facing the capital.

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Quid pro quo? Why academics meet with policy professionals

Academics often give up their time to chat with policy professionals about policy priorities – nearly 400 did so as part of our policy fellowship programme. In this blog we ask, what motivates academics to meet with policy makers and what exactly do they get out of these interactions?

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The ‘evidence mosaic’: helping parliamentary committees understand complex issues through Areas of Research Interest

Find out how using Areas of Research Interest has encouraged diversity in evidence submitted to the Senedd committees, encouraging new perspectives to inform scrutiny and law-making.

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Evidence: from engagement to impact

Ben Hepworth explores what ‘impact’ means inside and outside government and good practical advice on how to achieve it.

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Six months at the heart of science in Government – reflections from a knowledge mobiliser

CAPE Policy Fellow Florence Greatrix shares with CAPE six key things she’s learnt about GO-Science at the end of her fellowship.

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Interconnecting islands: evolving the research-policy ecosystem

Why we need more join up to establish a culture of working together in academic policy engagement.

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A typology and discussion of interactions between CAPE academic policy engagement mechanisms

We discuss how multiple methods of academic policy engagement can mutually reinforce each other, leading to greater volume and depth of engagement.

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Collaboratively and at scale: lending CAPE’s experience to the challenge of describing knowledge mobilisation

The CAPE team reflect on what we’ve learnt about roles that sit at the interface between universities and policy organisations.

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Why are knowledge exchange events in academic policy engagement so important?

Seven things you need to think about before running a knowledge exchange event.

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Applying for co-production funding in academic policy engagement: lessons from the CAPE Collaboration Fund

CAPE explores how to write a strong application when applying for collaborative funding between an academic and a policy partner.

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Improving learning opportunities for policy engagement: lessons from the CAPE consortium

Our colleagues at Nesta leading our training workstream, share reflections on how to improve training and learning provision for academics who are engaging with policy.

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Spending 12 months embedded in the academic world: reflections from CAPE Policy Fellow Roshnee Patel

CAPE Policy Fellow Roshnee Patel explores why she’s taken a year out from the Ministry of Justice to reflect on her policy approaches.

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