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Co-production in Regional Academic-Policy Engagement: Developing Optimal Conditions

A guide explaining the key principles of co-production and exploring how to plan for co-production in regional academic policy engagement.

Co-production in academic policy engagement is about bringing people together to collaborate and address complex policy challenges. This method of working is about communicating effectively, sharing power well, valuing each other’s skills and knowledge, and offering value for all, not just the few. There is no single, ‘one-size-fits-all’ model for co-production, and each collaboration should be designed to suit the specific context and people involved.

Our guide, produced by CAPE and the Co-Production Collective, is designed to be used as a reference tool for those working in and around regional academic policy engagement to help plan and organise co-produced projects. The guide explains the key principles of co-production and explores some of the necessary ‘conditions’ for effective practices to thrive in the context of regional academic-policy engagement.

Want a quick overview of the guide?

Have a look at our visual short guide, which summarises how you can embed co-production values, principles, and practices in regional academic-policy engagement, including 5 conditions which support this.