CAPE launches Policy Fellowship with the House of Commons Committee Office Scrutiny Unit to expand the use of evidence in the UK Parliament
CAPE is working with the Scrutiny Unit of the House of Commons Committee Office to support the implementation of the 2017-19 Liaison Committee’s report recommendations on use of research evidence.
A 6-month Policy Fellowship is providing dedicated expertise to explore how to support the use of research evidence in Parliament. This includes working with Select Committees on developing their Areas of Research Interests (ARIs) and considering how to develop more systematic structures of cooperation between parliament and research institutions. The Fellowship will explore appropriate tools and incentives to encourage engagement and help to provide evaluation of new initiatives. The project activities are geared towards increasing diversity and inclusion in academic engagement with Parliament.
Senior Specialist at the House of Commons Scrutiny Unit, Dr Faten Hussein, says: “Systematic cooperation between Parliament and the academic community is very important to the effective scrutiny of government. We welcome CAPE’s support through a dedicated fellowship to enhance academic-policy engagement, and look forward to further cooperation in the future.”
CAPE Policy Fellow and Public Affairs Manager at longitudinal research centre CLOSER, Rob Davies, says: “I am delighted to have been awarded this opportunity to work with the Scrutiny Unit to help Select Committees increase their effectiveness and the diversity of expertise with which they engage, and am grateful to CAPE for supporting this important work.”