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CAPE networks have emerged throughout the project as a direct response to needs for connected initiatives and reducing siloed working in different areas. 

Local and Regional Authority Academic Advisers

The Local and Regional Authority Academic Advisors (LRAAA) network was created as part of the ongoing development and evolution of advisory roles within local and regional contexts, include CAPE Policy Fellows, alongside a keenness to reduced siloed practices. It was convened by CAPE and chaired by the Chief Scientific Advisor at the Department for Levelling Up, Housing & Communities. 

The network consisted of Academic Advisers and their policy hosts across England, bringing together those funded by CAPE and a wider network, all with the shared aim of advancing academic policy engagement. The creation of the LRAAA network had 4 key purposes:

  • to share experiences and learning across different roles and contexts;
  • to explore the persistent challenges local and regional government may face in accessing academic evidence and expertise;
  • to understand how disparate Academic Adviser roles were situated in the overall public policy and government ecosystem and build greater understanding of such roles;
  • to understand the benefits of such roles for local and regional government


Academic Advisers in Local and Regional Authorities: CAPE Insights Report 

A report on the value of academic advisers in local and regional authorities based upon our experience of convening the Local and Regional Authority Academic Advisers (LRAAA) network.

Policy Knowledge Brokers Forum

The Policy Knowledge Brokers Forum (PKBF) was a network for those working in policy brokerage roles in policy organisations, with light touch convening by CAPE. 

The aims of the PKBF were as follows:

  • Provide a ‘safe space’ for policy practitioners to share insights, lessons learnt, best practice, and challenges arising from engagement with the academic community.
  • Explore issues of common interest and support the exchange of knowledge and ideas on how to advance engagement with the academic community.
  • Capture shared learning and insights from discussions
  • Identify where there may be scope to work with CAPE, UPEN and other external stakeholders to address challenges identified during the forum’s discussions. 


Evidence: from engagement to impact

Ben Hepworth from the Policy Knowledge Brokers Forum (PKBF) explores what ‘impact’ means inside and outside government and good practical advice on how to achieve it.