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Evaluation is embedded throughout CAPE from internal monitoring of our mechanisms to develop our processes iteratively, to our national evaluation of the programme through our partners at Transforming Evidence.

Transforming Evidence

CAPE’s embedded evaluation within our programme is run by Transforming Evidence. The evaluation seeks to address the overarching question: ‘What are the most promising approaches to support effective and ethical university-policy engagement?’

Transforming evidence are evaluating a range of activities undertaken in CAPE partner institutions, to understand what works in different contexts and across a range of policy levels. The evaluation will explore:

  • Impact upon policy stakeholders and policy
  • Impact upon academics and researchers
  • Mechanisms by which engagement is best achieved
  • The extent to which broad and diverse engagement is enabled
  • Sustainability and adaptability
  • Replicability and scalability of interventions

The findings will help us to understand which interventions lead to what type of effects, under which circumstances, to improve the extent and quality of academic-policy engagement, and to inform the development of new approaches.


What works to promote academic policy engagement?

Paper from Transforming Evidence, CAPE’s evaluation team, reviewing current research policy engagement activities from organisations world-wide. 

CAPE Sharing Sessions

CAPE holds regular sharing sessions on our learning and convenes discussions across the sector. If you’re interested in collaborating with us on a sharing session, please get in touch.