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The Art of the Possible: Catalysts, Collaborations and Capabilities in Academic-Policy Engagement - CAPE

Reflecting on CAPE's achievements and insights

As the CAPE project comes to a conclusion, we have summarised the project’s achievements, insights and conclusions in our final report from CAPE, The Art of the Possible: Catalysts, Collaborations and Capabilities in Academic-Policy Engagement.

The academic-policy ecosystem has evolved significantly over the last decade. CAPE has played a key role in demonstrating the value of collaboration across universities and the importance of investing in connective infrastructure to support interactions. Over the course of the project, CAPE has worked with over 60 partners, hosted over 100 knowledge exchange events, and created a wealth of resources, toolkits and guides to support policy engagement.  It has been transformative to see how much more effective we are when working together to respond to policy needs. This report identifies the ways in which the project has facilitated greater collaboration between policy partners, researchers and practitioners to respond to a wide range of policy challenges. It has also enabled us to convene a community of people who are committed to strengthening the use of evidence in policymaking and learning from each other as we do so. 

In particular, this report will help you understand

  • The ways in which the project has facilitated greater collaboration between policy partners, researchers and practitioners to respond to a wide range of policy challenges.
  • What we have learnt about mechanisms and means of supporting academic-policy engagement
  • The importance of building collaborative communities across sectors to strengthen the use of evidence in policymaking
  • Why learning from each other and building that knowledge into academic-policy engagement strengthens outcomes.  

Download the report to read more about what we’ve learned from the project, and our key recommendations for sustaining and championing academic-policy engagement.